Enel Launched Smart Grid Pilot Project In Molise, Italy

  • Posted on: 4 November 2011
  • By: chw staff

Enel, Italy’s largest utility supplier has launched the country’s first smart grid renewable power solution.  The pilot project is costing approximately 10 million euros and is to take place in the southern region of Molise.  According to Enel, the project is setup as part of its push to develop the technology needed to handle electricity flows from decentralised, fluctuating renewable power sources.

The technology solutions being develop with Siemens includes recharging stations for electric vehicles and appliances install in customer’s homes that allow them to monitor their energy consumption. Enel said several thousand homes in Molise area are expected to participate in the project.

Enel said its pilot smart grid includes systems for estimating power generated from renewable resources, sensors for the advanced monitoring of grid volumes, interaction with power generators to provide advanced regulation of input flows. It also includes a storage facility using lithium-ion battery technology with a capacity of 0.7 megawatt to modulate flows of electricity.

The similar smart grid pilot is being run in Denmark through the EcoGrid EU project. As 2020 draws near more EU countries modify their grid structure to meet the European Commission's 20/20/20 deadline.  The plan is to have all EU members increase renewable energy usage by 20 percent, cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent and reduces energy consumption through improved efficiencies by 20 percent by the year 2020.
